Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lexism's on...himself.

My handsome little man has some pretty high opinions of himself. I've compiled a few to get us started.

July 2011

Lex: Hey Mom, check my shoes. I look great.

To be fair he was the most adorable 3 year old. 

October 2012

Lex: I got myself a costume so I could be awesome...more awesome. 

December 2013

LexI like doing man stuff like, hammering, shoveling, and pushing my sister in the toilet. 

October 2014

Lex: Oh yeah, look at these muscles. I gotta keep working out and being strong. I look so good.

He was talking to the mirror. 

February 2015

LexKarlee really does like me. She probably really wants to date me but she's hiding it as a secret in her heart. She's into me though, I know it. 

He's either right or a stalker, too early to tell. 

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